Thursday, July 31, 2008

Busy month: update

Let's throw in a business trip for fun! Watch her juggle all the balls!

I get to go on a 2, possibly 3, night trip! Yippee! I guess I may actually have to bring workout clothes on a business trip. The hotel we usually stay at has a gym.

And guess what? It is the week before the triathlon, and the day I get back is the day I need to pick up my registration packet. I sure hope my plane isn't delayed.


justme said...

WOW. You're not just busy. You're CRAZY BUSY!! I'm exhausted just reading all of your August events. It'll definitely keep ya on your toes. Have fun somewhere in there. We're gonna see ya next Saturday, right?

No Longer At The Kids' Table said...

Yep, I will be there Saturday...I have to leave early though to head to bach party :(