Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Agony And The Ecstasy

Even though it is out of time sequence, I will start with the good. Because I’m positive like that. I jogged for 2 miles without stopping on Tuesday night on the treadmill (about 26 minutes)! I have not been able to do that in a long time, and can probably count the times I have done it in my life one 3 fingers. After the first several minutes, it felt pretty good. I could have gone on a little longer, but didn’t want to do too much. Apparently the session with the trainer was a motivation, but not in the good way.

Now here’s the rest of the story, as Paul Harvey would say. I met with my trainer for my fitness evaluation. He was all of 12. He asked me my goals, and what I had been doing, and how tall I was, and my eating habits. Then he did the weigh in…I had gained a pound since the day before L But whatever, that’s not my primary focus, up until this point.

Then he proceeded to measure me in all sorts of locations with a tap measure, and then used the little pincer thing to measure my body fat. And here’s the kicker. He said I had 33% body fat, which was way over the unhealthy range. I figured I would be about 24%, right on the edge of healthy and unhealthy. I definitely knew I wasn’t in the athlete portion, as much as that hurt my ego. But the scale only went up to 32% + and I was 33%. I was the “and up” range! I seriously hope he did it wrong. He didn’t act very confident with the whole process. So being called fat in the nicest, chart-topping way motivated me to run 2 miles.

Again, since he didn’t seem alarmed at my body fat % and didn’t really focus on getting me immediately on a diet and exercise regimen, I’m assuming he was just a little uninformed on this section. But he gave some advice on eating…eat 7 small meals a day. And the week of the race to start carb-loading (IHOP, anyone?). He also said the day of the race to eat as much carbs as I could. I told him it was at 7 am. He said well, then get up at 5 and eat pancakes. I can’t imagine eating that early, and eating that much before exercising.

Wednesday was happy hour after work, so I ate not good and exercised not good.

Thursday, about to go play tennis with b/f.

Friday is book club, so I doubt I'll exercise. I guess I could make use of the 24 hour aspect of the gym, but let's not get carried away.


justme said...

eat carbs? really? I figured he'd say eat yogurt or something a bit more .. . healthful. 2 miles in 26 minutes is incredible! And there is NO WAY you have 33% body fat. NO. WAY. Doogie's a few fries short of a Happy Meal, imo.

Jeanne said...

Doogie, indeed. I think I would have been much more comfortable with a woman measuring my body fat rather than a man, but I'm sure you didn't have a choice. WTG on the 2 miles. Keep up the good work!

Unknown said...

Is it the little pincher where they measure you under your arm? If so, I've heard that is almost always super inaccurate. I've had that done once. I worked out pretty hard that day too = )
I'm so very impressed with your focus.

No Longer At The Kids' Table said...

Carbs give you a quick boost of energy needed for longer workouts. They aren't evil foods like they are made out to be. The problem comes if you don't burn them off...they do turn to fat like all forms of food can.

I could have insisted on a woman, but he was all that was available at the time I wanted to do it. It wasn't bad...just the one part where he measured my bust area. It felt more like a doctor's visit, so it wasn't bad to me. And he did it over my shirt, so not a big deal.

Yeah, it was the pincher thing. He measured my upper arms, under my shoulder blade, above my hips. I'm glad to hear it isn't accurate :)