Monday, September 29, 2008

Friends Like You, Who Needs Friends?

Here's a fun little game.

1. Put your MP3 player on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
3. You must write that song name down no matter how ridiculous it sounds.
4. Put any comments in brackets after the song name.

1. If 1someone says, "Is this okay?" You say? - Surrendering [Alanis Morissette. I guess I am a pushover.]
2. How would you describe yourself? - These Are the Days [Jamie Cullum. Yes, but what does that have to do with it?]
3. What do you like in a guy/girl? - All You Need Is Love [Beatles. True dat. Love, and a little money don't hurt.]
4. How do you feel today? - Oh Yoko! [John Lennan. I feel Yoko quite often.]
5. What is your life's purpose? - Painters [Jewel. Cool. Does that mean that I need to go save some painters? Or I get to paint?]
6. What is your motto? - Hello, It's Me [Todd Rundgren. Just so you don't get confused. It's me.]
7. What do your friends think of you? - Home Again [Carol King. Yes, I am quite the homebody.]
8. What do you think of your parents? - 21 Things I Want In A Lover [Alanis. Highly inappropriate, I know.]
9. What do you think about often? - The Ballad of John and Yoko [Beatles. Only when I'm in a Yoko-kind of mood.]
10. What is 2+2? - Rue St. Vincent [Yves Montand. Obviously. That new math is working out well.]
11. What do you think about your best friend? - These dreams of You [Van Morrison.]
12. What do you think about the person you like? - The First Cut is the Deepest [Sherly Crow. I hope he doesn't cut me!]
13. What do you want to be when you grow up? - Too Much Food [Jason Mraz. That sounds like a great occupation.]
14. What do you think of when you see the person you like? - Red House [Jimi Hendrix. I grew up in a red house.]
15. What will you dance to at your wedding? - Somewhere Only We Know [Keane. Ah, I like that song.]
16. What will they play at your funeral? - Chariot [Gavin Degraw. Hmm.]
17. What is your hobby/interest? - Maybe I [Five For Fighting. Maybe I would like to finish my sentences for a hobby.]
18. What is your biggest fear? - A Minor Incident [Badly Drawn Boy. They are so underrated in terms of scariness. Everyone always talks about the big incidents.]
19. What is your biggest secret? - If God Will Send His Angels [U2. Shh..Don't tell.]
20. What do you think of your friends? - Tribal Gathering [The Byrds. Have you seen the girls when they're all together? In their pink face paint? Very tribal.]
21. What will you title this note? - Friends Like You, Who Needs Friends? [Mark Mothersbaugh. Well said. I mean, they are so tribal!]

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Can't wait for this week to be over, and not for the usual reasons

After having a good, but busy, weekend in Austin, this week hasn't been very good. I got the flu shot Monday afternoon, and started feeling bad that right before I left work. I threw up Monday night (which I think was a stomach bug going around the office), but then felt a little better in the morning. I went to work Tuesday, but went home in the afternoon and was running a fever, which I guess was from the shot. I felt the fever break in the middle of the night and felt much better Wednesday.

But then on Wednesday the spots on my arm that I've had for a week started itching. I thought it might have been poison ivy/oak, because I had tried to clear some vines around my big oak tree last Monday night (I wore gloves and washed off afterwards, but I guess didn't do a good enough job). I had a few spots, but they didn't bother me all week until yesterday. Then they started itching, and oozing (yummy!) and I noticed more spots. When I woke up this morning, I had a spot right next to my eye, so I figured I better go to the doctor just in case since I've never had it before and since I had had the fever.

After a full 10 second evaluation and medical history, he prescribed a cortisone shot and some prescriptions for a cream and more steroids. The shot on my "hip" still kind of smarts.
The itching isn't really bad, but I don't like that it on my face. I feel like a leper. At least this week has been somewhat slow at work, and I didn't have to visit any clients. And that it's not picture day.

I will spare you and not post any pictures.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

3 Weeks Off = Starting Over From Scratch

I hadn't been to the gym in 3 weeks. After a few minutes on the treadmill, it felt like 3 months. I could barely make it .75 miles. After that I did sprint intervals. All on a 1.5 mile incline, which I haven't done before. Then swam for a little bit. Would have swam longer, but old lady started talking to me in the pool (in the middle of my workout!) I would have like to continue, but I felt sorry for her. She said her husband died a month ago, so I guess she was lonely. Or just one of those people who talk to strangers. Anyway, I said I was sorry, and guessed it was hard on her, and she said "No, not really." Earlier I saw her in the locker room. She pulled stuff out a bag into the locker, and then pulled out a big box of Whoppers. Not sure what that was all about.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Blogged Out

You would think with all my time that I've not been spending at the gym lately, I would have time to blog every minute detail of my day. But not really. I've reverted to spending more time with my first love, my couch. Yep, been falling asleep on the couch a lot lately. I did go bike riding once, and tennis season is starting back up again. So I am somewhat active.

Anyway, I will try to come up with something to say.

Since I'm always thinking of new and better ways to blow my money, the issue of new car has been creeping around my little brain. My car now is 5 years old. So as you can obviously see, I'm in dire need of something new. I justify my need for a new car because I am single. I do not have the expertise to fix my own car. So if it gets broken, I have to take it somewhere. Which leaves me car-less. And I have to get to work. To pay for the car repair. Yes, there are car rentals and loaner cars and blah, but it is inconvenient. I do that when I have to. But when my car gets passed the warranty stage, and the little problems start creeping up, I get rid of it like a blackened banana. (ok, I really put black bananas in the freezer for future banana bread).

So the new car bug has been itching for about the last year or so. I actually put myself off until this year, you know, because of the whole buying a house thing. And now I want to wait until I pay off my 2nd mortgage loan. So responsible of myself. But just when I tell my self I can hold off, my car gives me reason to want to get rid of it. I think my brake fluid is leaking. It's most likely a small repair, but it is still frustrating. It makes me want to rush out and get a new car. I have to take care of it soon because, I think, that brake fluids are pretty important to the whole stopping process. And also I'm planning to drive to Austin next weekend. I think Austin is hilly, which requires braking.

Also, I haven't been giving to charity as much as I had been. I keep putting it off. After I feel better about where I stand on the whole owing money thing. After next month. Always after. Will turn that around soon. After next month.

I also haven't been paying myself a car payment lately. I paid off my car early, so I had been building up my savings account to put a bigger down payment on my next car. My goal is to be able to pay cash for my next car (after this one). We will see. So maybe that is a sign that I shouldn't buy a new car, if I'm not able to pay myself. I could probably pay myself, I just haven't wanted to make any sacrifices. Of course, if I get the 2nd loan paid off, I can rededicate that part of my budget to the car. It is a viscous cycle.