Sunday, February 1, 2009

HD, 5K, IRS, CH2ON5, WTF, 2:30AM#1

Many topics to discuss that I don't want to really devote full posts to. I'm that lazy.

#1 I got my HD satellite on Saturday (finally)! Yea! So I'm watching the Super Bowl in HD on my new plasma TV! My service appointment was to arrive between 8-12. He didn't arrive until after 5. I won't fill you in with the multiple calls I made and amount of steam coming out of my ears. Point is, my TV rocks now, and my DVR was upgraded b/c they were out of what I had ordered. So now I can record like 300 hours or something. I'm recording the SB now so I can skip through the game and watch the commercials.

#2 I think I will do a 5k at the end of the month. My friend and I started exercising together last week. We agreed to work out on Thursday nights to motivate each other. She is preparing for the 5k, and since it was kind of nice to talk while we jogged, she said I should do the race with her so she would finish. Since I obviously need some type of finish line to motivate me to exercise, I think I will do it.

#3 I think I have all the forms I need to start my taxes. I'm a little curious to see if I will get some money back since I have been paying a lot of interest on my home loan this year. I should put that money towards paying off the mortgage. But I'm thinking...vacation...Ann Taylor Loft...trellis for the backyard...

#4 I'm thinking I might try to attempt to looking into to researching having a compost heap thing for yard waste. I raked just my back yard this weekend (yes, I know fall was so last year), and filled up 5 big garbage sacks. If I had one of those things, I could have fresh mulch for my yard next year. Not sure what kind of commitment or eyesore it will be. Just in the "thinking about" phase right now.

#5 There is a bad smell in my living room that I can't pinpoint! BF said he can't smell anything. But I know better. At first I thought it must be coming from the kitchen and I was just noticing it since they are in the same big room. But I definitely notice it in when I'm in the living area and not the dining or kitchen. Though it does smell a bit like rotting food. I've checked under the cushions, under all movable furniture. I thought maybe one of the cats had left a present for me, but I'm sure I would have found that by now. I can't pinpoint it exactly, but seems to be strongest around the front door. Maybe something died in the attic or around the porch. I guess I need to go up there. It did sound like a squirrel was running in my rain gutters last week. I kinda don't want to look b/c of the book I'm reading right now, Sarah's Key.

#6 The Australian Open finals aired both Sat and Sun at 2:30 am. Being the not so intense tennis fan I am, I chose to record them and watch them at a decent hour. Stupid DVR didn't record all of the men's...cut off in the 4th set. It went to five. But they replayed it, and I caught the fifth set just as I got home from the grocery store tonight. I wish Federe had one. I like Nadal, but now I feel that Roger will not be able to get over the mental defeat, and Rafael will crush him from now on. But, maybe now that Nadal has beaten him on almost every type of court, Roger can relax and just play his game. I think the world should observe CST. Who cares if the sun is up at noon or not.