Monday, June 30, 2008

Happy Birthday, You know who you are!

Special shoutout to my good friend who is turning 30 today! I was nice enough to do it first to make sure it was safe, like the royal food taster. I'm still alive!

I miss having you in the same state, but hopefully I will see you soon!

Enjoy your day!

Friday, June 27, 2008

It's My Turn!

I got tagged me for a meme. At least you get something new to read, right? Right?

A. Attached or Single? Only emotionally, not physically. And not a permanent, legally binding attachment. Just more of a Friday and Saturday night, occasional weekday type arrangement.

B. Best Friend? Not sure, haven't really sorted my friends since middle school. I have good friends I talk to on a regular basis, and some good friends that I don't to very often.

C. Cake or pie? Yes. Probably cake, with warm chocolate and whipped cream on top.

D. Day of choice? Probably Saturday. Full day of no commitments.

E. Essential item? DVR. I can now watch Jeopardy every week day, not just on the occasional vacation day. It has changed my life.

F. Favorite color? blue

G. Gummy bears or worms? Bears, but no real preference. Not a big consumer.

H. Home town? Grew up in Longview, TX.

I. Favorite indulgence? Eating a pint of ice cream, when you know you should get a bowl, but you think you have the will power to only eat a few bites, but before you know it, the whole thing is gone. Don't tell me I'm the only one?

J. January or July? Eh, both not good. July I guess.

K. Kids? ( I just noticed the letters coincide with the first letter of the question. Yea for being observant.) Unsure. I just checked. Nope. Don't have any.

L. Life isn’t complete without? good food, good people to be with, and sunny days.

M. Marriage date? Yes, I brought a date to the last marriage I went to.

N. Number of brothers and sisters? 903-759 - oh, you don't mean phone #. 3.

O. Oranges or Apples? I eat apples more regularly, but I love oranges.

P. Phobias? Having my arms tied up, like a straight jacket or being tucked in too tight. And being buried alive.

Q. Quotes? I'm not good about remembering quotes. Probably lately, "that's what she said"

R. Reasons to smile? funny stuff. And I have a job. And I've been carpooling! So gas prices haven't really affected me yet.

S. Season of choice? Spring.

T. Tag 5 people: probably not.

U. Unknown fact about me? I used to think that real tornadoes would come when you swirled around the "tornado in a jar" science project.

V. Vegetable? summer squash and zucchini medley

W. Worst habbit? Lately, it's been falling asleep on the couch in the evenings and waking up about 1:30 am to go to bed.

X. Xray or Ultrasound? I don't get this question. Which superpower would I rather have? I guess it would depend on the reason. I'll let my doctor make the call.

Y. Your favorite food? chicken fried chicken, mashed tators, cream gravy, homemade rolls

Z. Zodiac sign? Aries

Monday, June 16, 2008

Little Kahuna at Big Kahuna

This is my nephew after a long day at the Big Kahuna water park in Destin. That swimsuit outfit was my birthday present to him. I love how kids can sleep anywhere in any position on anyone's lap and not even know it.

Friday, June 13, 2008

No longer at the kids table, but still stuck on the pullout sofa bed in the living room

Guess where I am right now? If you guessed on the road in Louisiana, you'd be right! This state doesn't seem that big on a map, but it covers quite a bit of this road trip.

So we are heading home after a successful trip. My brother did get married, after 2 different location changes. The original spot was having stormy weather, so they changed it to the private hotel beach in town. They hurriedly set up the little alter thing and the chairs, and the bride was about to walk down to the beach when the storm caught up with us. So everyone quickly grabbed some chairs and ran into the hotel lobby. They ended up performing the ceremony in the atrium of the hotel, which was actually quite pretty. It had a fountain and lots of greenery. The only drawback was it was noisy, so we couldn't actually hear much of the vows and stuff. But they did get to go back to the beach and take pictures. So I now have another sister and a new niece.

The beach was beautiful and the house was great. More so on this vacation than others I really felt like a 3rd wheel (or the 19th wheel on a semi?). It is difficult being a single adult when everyone around you is married and/or has kids. The younger kids don't really understand that you can be an adult and not married. They either think that you are a teenager, or wonder what is wrong that you aren't married. Maybe it was because I actually have a b/f now and I was missing him, and trying to picture him on the trip with me that I was feeling a bit left out. Who knows. My "bedroom" on this trip was the living room, and I slept on the pullout couch. Which meant that I was awake until the last person went to bed, and I was awakened with whoever made the first pot of coffee (or more accurately whenever the baby woke up for his first sippy cup of milk, usually about 6:15). I actually had the choice to sleep there or the top loft room, but that room was pretty hot. My nephew took it.

I know that logistically, it was really the only arrangement that made sense. And all and all, it was fine. And since I didn't pay for the house, I can't complain.

The beaches were gorgeous! No matter how much sunscreen I put on, I still usually manage to get sunburned. I wore a t-shirt most of the time. My ears even got red from yesterday.

Back to the real world again on Monday!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Louisiana is getting so old

For the second time in a month, I'm in LA. This time, just passing through on my to the white sandy beaches of Florida.

Thanks to my spiffy new wireless Internet thingy, I can surf on the road! I'm actually in the car right now. Pretty cool. Except my laptop battery doesn't last very long. Bummer. Oh well...there's only so much Internet I should do in one day.

Have a good weekend!