Sunday, July 13, 2008

Why does swimming bring out the snot in your nose?

Saturday workout:

2.9 miles on the treadmill, almost 40 minutes...warmup...1 mile jogging/running...walking...1/2 mile jogging...walking...then about another 1/2 mile jogging/sprinting. Felt ok, but I was definitely ready for the rest after the first mile. There was no way I could have done 2 miles in a row today.

Did some weights.

12 laps in the pool, 4 without really resting! I did them all in about 15 minutes. Not too bad, although my form was pretty bad.

10 minutes in the hot tub. Nice! Do you call it a hot tub, whirlpool, or sauna? It is the big bathtub with bubbles. I've heard people call it all three. But isn't the sauna the steam room?

Sunday workout: Big fat nothing. Unless shopping at Target counts. The day is not over, but I'm not getting my hopes up.


nicole said...

Yea for you! I shopped at Target yesterday too. With 5 kids. counts as exercise for sure.

justme said...

I'm proud that you're keeping up with this. Keep it up and the triatholon will be a piece of cake!

I thought the sauna was a steam room, too.