Sunday, August 24, 2008

"Jennifer needs" game

Here's a fun little way to spend 5 minutes. Go to google and enter "your name needs" and post the first ten appropriate entries.

I'm a little scared.

1. Jennifer needs to be in a mental health facility right now (If I say that I am crazy, does that mean I'm really not, because only a sane person would realize they need help?)

2. Jennifer needs a smack daddy (I don't even know what to say about that)

3. Jennifer Needs To Give Birth In The Next Week (My gestation period is obviously much faster than the normal human's. In that case, I am proud of myself for doing the triathlon in my condition)

4. Jennifer Needs... My friend Jen over at Mythbuster Beauty tagged me in this fun little game. Google your first name and the word "needs" to find out the top (It's like deju vu all over again)

5. Jennifer Needs A Shave (No one laughed at me in my bathing suit today...surely it can wait until morning?)

6. Jennifer Needs a Cane (Yes, I can barely hobble)

7. Jennifer Needs Your Support (No, thanks, a cane will do)

8. Jennifer Needs Help! (Ok, if you won't give me a cane, I will accept your help)

9. Jennifer H. really needs your help to help her reach her goal of 3000 this month (How did they know my last initial??? I should be more specific in my goals. I forgot what my goal was. 3000 hours watching the Olympics - check)

10. Jennifer Needs To Go This Week (I usually try to go every day, not just weekly. I find it much more comfortable. Except when you have to go in a yucky port-a-potty before your triathlon)

1 comment:

justme said...

ick on the port-a-potty.

This was a fun game to do. 3000 what? Dollars? Chocolate bars? Pairs of shoes?