Saturday, August 23, 2008


Just over 24 hours to go. I hope I am ready!

I didn't get another workout in yesterday or today, but I got tons of prep work done on my bike that I didn't even know I needed. Thanks to b/f, I now have two new slime tubes in my tires (supposed to be better against flats) and a seat bag, that contains stuff to help me fix a flat.

To be honest, the thought of a flat tire had never crossed my mind concerning the race. He showed me how to change my tire, and I hope I could do it again if I have, too. It was pretty complicated and lots of little steps. But I have to do something several times before I get the hang of it. I decided it would be much easier to just never get a flat. He agreed. I wonder if my AAA membership would extend to a bike flat?

After a lot of sweat and struggle and only a little help from b/f, I was able to put my bike in my 2-door car without having to take off the front wheel, something which I have not mastered yet. I didn't want to put it back in at 4 in the morning, so I just left it in the car. I sure hope I can get it back out. That would be an embarrassing reason to forfeit.

I am about to print off the directions now. I will have to leave my house around 5 am. Yikes! I guess that is about it! I will let you know how I did after I take a massive hibernating nap tomorrow. Yes, I'm pretty sure someone will bring me my laptop at the hospital.

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