Monday, August 4, 2008

It was such a Monday today

Monday: Surprisingly, I wasn't very sore in my leg muscles from the spinning class. However, I do feel slightly bruised in a certain area that we don't need to name. If they make gender-specific seats for bicycles, why can't they make exercise bikes with different seat types?

Even though I didn't want to, and it would mean 3 days in a row at the gym, I went tonight. Monday nights are always packed. I did 14 miles on the bike in 37 minutes (at a measly 4 out of 20 intensity setting on the bike). Then I went to the treadmill and did 2 miles in 24 minutes. I only went 0.5 miles jogging in a row, but it felt like a pretty good workout. I was able to go at 6.5 and 7.0 mph at the very end.

After pigging out on two Mexican meals in about 15 hours, I think I back-slid a little on the weight loss. Oh well. I can't say that is exactly our primary objective, as the shy scientist Fairaday said on Lost.

Since I was already sweaty when I got home, I put out the trash and recycling for tomorrow, and watered my little growing trees and a few shrubs who aren't looking so good. Hopefully these 107 degree days won't last much longer. It is a good feeling waking up and knowing that these tasks are done already.

1 comment:

nicole said...

You rock. I'm too sore to go to the gym today. At least that is my excuse. I could run if I wasn't so lazy. Too late now.