Sunday, August 24, 2008

I could have used more spin classes

I survived my first (only?) triathlon! That is the most I can say about it. I finished. That was the goal. My friend also finished. It took me exactly 2 hours.

I will just say that I was not prepared for the biking part. So hilly. And being on a mountain bike instead of a road bike didn't help matters. And that led me to not be prepared for the run part. I only jogged maybe half of it. But even with all the walking, I finished the 5k in about 35 minutes. That just shows how slow my jog pace is since I was finishing with minimal walking on the treadmill in 31 minutes. I actually felt better at the end of the run than the beginning - perhaps due it to being downhill and shady at the finish line.

Maybe after I rest for a week I will give more details.

Yours truly,



justme said...

WOOHOO!! I'm so proud of you! You did it! Can't wait to hear the details.

nicole said...

Way to go! I have been thinking about you all day and wondering how it went. You are a rock star just for doing this, regardless of time.

Unknown said...

You did so great! #365...the number of days you have to train for your next triathlon? = )