Sunday, August 3, 2008

Gratuitous Cat Pictures

I don't remember putting him in the dryer! This is why I need to fold my laundry immediately. So next time you see cat hairs on my clothes, you will understand a little more about my life.

And next on the runway is Tigger, sporting a 100% pure plastic Target bag halter dress. I don't understand cats' fascination with bags, but it is very pervasive and annoying. He gets it caught around his neck, and then it gets caught on his collar. And he freaks out a little. Speaking of freaks, check out his possessed eyes.

Despite all the growling and hissing and scratching, occasionally there is some harmony in the house. Enjoy the peace while it lasts.

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

And you've just had a taste of motherhood to humans. :)