Wednesday, January 31, 2007


another item off my life's to-do list. I went to the post office and applied for my passport today! I was going to do it last year before they increased the rates, but just never happened. Passport applications were very popular today during lunch. There were about 5 others (that I know of) doing the same thing in the 30 minutes I was there.

I'm just glad that I didn't need an expedited one...the charge was $185! Yikes.

My picture actually didn't turn out too bad, either! Much better than my driver's license. I didn't smile, so maybe that is the key for me. Apparently no smile looks better than fake smile.

So in 6 weeks I will be a free woman! Free to go anywhere that doesn't require a visa! Or American Express ;)

1 comment:

justme said...

wow! Any plans to use the passport? Got a hot vacation spot calling your name? Hearing you talk about your freedom to roam I suddenly have a mild case of claustrophobia (sp?). dumb, huh?