Sunday, January 21, 2007

Betch your bottom dollar...what the heck is a bottom dollar, anyway?

I'm not one to normally sing show tunes, but this morning I was belting out the theme from Annie. That's right, after what feels like weeks of hiding, the sun finally made a grand appearance today! It was a gorgeous day, above freezing temps and not a cloud in the sky. All day long. And the amazing forecasters aren't predicting rain for at least another 48 hours - which means it will be flooding tomorrow :(

The only sadness was that the sun finally melted the two snowmen. Somehow they had managed to survive as shapeless masses all week. But that was a compromise I'd make anyday. Rain, rain, go away, come again another day - as long as it's not tomorrow, cuz Mondays are bad enough as it is. Or Tuesday, cuz that's tennis night. And stay away from the weekend, while you are at it.

P.S. I looked it up.

"Bet your bottom dollar"

Meaning: Bet your last coin.

Origin: Unsurprisingly, this in an American phrase. First cited in the La Crosse Independent Republican, September 1856:

"I'm goin' to vote for you [James Polk] - you can bet your bottom dollar on that!"


justme said...

I'm gonna have to pass this info on to hubby. He is a walking encyclopedia of odd facts and trivia and stuff and if doesn't already know this (i'll bet he does) then he can add it to his collection. :)

nicole said...

It was a gorgeous day. So nice to finally see the sunshine.