Friday, January 5, 2007

Best episode ever!

So, if you had to travel with your boss by car for 8 hours, what would you talk about? For the first leg of the journey, would you talk about the upcoming meeting, and strategize, practice what you were going to present? That would be a good idea. On the way back, would you discuss how the meeting went, what you could do to improve? Other possible sales potential, new clients,etc.? That would be good too.

But my world is not normal. So what did we talk about? Thanks for asking. We discussed our favorite episodes and lines from the Simpsons. Yes, the edutainmental and sophisticated animated sitcom. How does one fill 8 hours with that? I don't know but it happened. I may be exaggerating the 8 hours. Some of the time was spent in silence (trying to remember the exact quotes from the show). Some of the time was spent discussing the meeting (maybe 30 minutes total). Some of the time was spent discussing the horrible rainy condition of the driving weather. However, by far, without a doubt, the dominant conversation involved Homer and other non-existant Springfieldians.

I guess it could have been worse. My boss could be a science fiction fanatic.

Next trip...classic Seinfeld episodes. Business world, here I come!


nicole said...

Sounds like a fun boss to me.

justme said...

We miss watching the Simpsons. We don't have cable but we do have 3 or 4 seasons in box sets. Our time in front of the tube is usually with the kids and we once popped in one episode of the Simpsons and after about 3 seconds we both were like, um. fast forward. FF. FF. Okay, let's try another episode. FF. FF. FF.

Believe it or not, when hubby and I went on a mini-vacation recently we enjoyed watching cable and an episode of the Simpsons. Kid free and unedited.

Your boss does sound great.