Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Game. Set. Match.

Just have to brag a little. My doubles partner and I kicked booty last night. It was the first match in our winter tennis league. The team that we played usually beats us, though normally the games are competitive and the scores are close. Not last night! We won 6-0 and 6-1. I guess the stars were aligned. Normally, Partner and I don't have good nights on the same night. Maybe the other team couldn't handle the cold weather. Whatever reason, we'll take it.

It does douse my joy slightly when the other people start talking about their age. Last night they were 46 and 59, I think. Of course, they only bring up their age when they lose. I hope to be as active as the 46 year old one day! I don't mean I hope to be as active as her when I'm 46. I mean I hope to be as active as her now! She runs all the time, and talked about jumping on the trampoline with her kids before the game. It is good to have role models who show that you don't have to give up on life once you hit 40.

Age doesn't stop me. I marched my 28 (very nearly 29! yikes!) year old body to the scorers table and wrote down that very nearly perfect score without any qualms. Who cares if I'm half the age of the opponent. She's got twice the experience of me, but I don't bring that up when I lose ;)


nicole said...

Go you!

justme said...

lol! That's funny. If it will make her feel better, she can come play tennis with me. I used to be on the high school tennis team. I was the manager. (ahem.) Yes, you read right. The manager. I may not play tennis well but I can sure bring a cup of cold water to ya!