Monday, January 8, 2007

I can never go home again.

Literally and figuratively.

I think my parents are competitive. I announce my home-buying intentions. A few weeks later, they decide that they are going to move. And 2 days later, they are going to put on offer on a house. They are stealing my thunder! Granted, my mom has always talked about wanting to move to a house with a better kitchen. And my parents don't need a 4 bedroom house anymore. But still, the timing is a little suspicious. 34 years in a house, and then in the same 6 month period as me, they are moving.

They didn't even ask my opinion. This is the only house I have ever known. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for them. It will be a step up. In fact, in high school I had dreams about them moving to this neighborhood. But did they do it while I would have enjoyed the benefits? No.

I guess I can be a big person about this and learn from them about the buying process. Or maybe I will go to my old bedroom and pout. Because I won't be able to do that for much longer if they have any say about it.

1 comment:

justme said...

hmm . . . I must confess that I'm on your side. It sure does seem like odd timing. While they may not be purposely trying to steal your thunder it would have been more considerate to have waited. Enjoy the last few moments in your childhood room.
