Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The only difference between kids and adults...

Well, I don't think there is much of a difference. We get excited about the littlest things.

For the few brave employees that managed to come to work today in the snow/slush, the owner is ordering pizza for us. It is sad that he thinks that ordering food is an incentive to make us happy that we risked life and limb to come to work (during a day which not much will get done due to the novelty of the weather anyway). But it is even sadder that it is working. We are excited. Don't know what it is. We are all gainfully employeed and can afford a $5 pizza lunch. So obviously the free lunch is not a big driver of excitment. I guess it is the party atmosphere that company lunches provide. Pizzas connotate images of birthday parties and slumber parties and all things kid.

I can't wait the estimated 30-45 minute delivery time. I hope they save a slice for me!


nicole said...

I would be excited too. I love pizza and free is even better.

justme said...

lol. I love your blog! I hope the pizza is good. :) Enjoy your "snow/pizza work day".