Thursday, August 23, 2007

7 Days=1 Week = Eternity

In 168 hours, I will have a house. Hopefully.

I went during my lunch break to look today. The builder happened to be there. We were talking about the progress, etc. but I finally had to pin him down. So I said, so will it be ready on the 30th? And he said, sure if you want it to be. Like I would choose not to have it ready as soon as possible. Then he said, what day is the 30th? And I was like Thursday, duh. So he said sure.

I don't know the details yet, but I guess I will schedule a walk through around Thursday, and assuming no problems, sign paperwork and close on Friday? And move all weekend? ??? That is my life these days, big question marks.

The carpet guy was there today. Then they have to finish up some of the trimming. Put in the closet hanging rods, put in the blinds, finish staining the edge of the cabinets, and then any paint touch-ups and door bangs. And I think that is it for the inside!

The driveway was poured. He said they should be digging the posts for the fence today, do the fencing tomorrow. The sprinklers Monday, and I guess it only takes a day for the lawn? Remember the tree in the backyard? The fence will probably run through the middle. I think it will look kinda stupid to have a fence, tree, and then more fence. So much for privacy. And also, it might be too late for the fence request I had. I wanted my backyard fence to come closer to the front of the house so my dining window would be in my backyard. But he said they had already ordered the fence, and that would require 3 more panels. So not sure about that :(

So we will see!

1 comment:

nicole said...

Sounds exciting. And kind of strange that the builder wasn't more concrete on a close date. They usually want those things scheduled firmly, at least in our experience. I can't wait to see it, although who knows when that will be. ;)