Sunday, July 1, 2007

A strong foundation

Somehow during the downpours that have happened every day in the last 2 weeks, I now have a foundation! I would have a picture, but it was raining when I went to take my parents to see it (and besides the batteries in the camera were dead). It makes the yard seem so small, which it really is. But at least it is progress. I was half expecting to see nothing new, and really who could I blame? The news said that some builders were reporting being 4-8 days behind. Others said as much as 4 weeks. Yikes!


nicole said...

How exciting! I bet it was great to see that. To me, the foundation always looks so small, but then the framing goes up and it seems big again. Weird.

Hey! I'm Blogging Here. said...

Wow - that seems really fast to me! but then I'm not driving by every day to check the progress, either. ;)

When the sun comes out again you'll have to continue the photo journey!