Friday, March 23, 2007

Slap in the face

I was not so subtly told that I am a lazy blogger :( If it were said by most people, I would just ignore the comment. But since it came from a blogger who updates hers at least weekly, sometimes several times a day, then I will take notice.

In the spirit of using a blog and my blog readers for accountability, I will now type these words in hope that they will be fulfilled:

This weekend, I will take some time to write a new posting.

I suppose this one does not count. Do not get your hopes will not contain very exciting stuff. If I get bored at work today, then it may be up sooner than this weekend.

Hmm..using a blog as accountability to make sure I update my blog. Talk about circular logic. But that is how my brain works. Round and round she goes, where she stops, no one knows.

1 comment:

justme said...

YAY!! I will be anxiously waiting for your next entry! :)