Monday, March 12, 2007


After a morning of bike riding, I needed to stop and get a quick lunch. I thought what better way to completely void all the good that was accomplished in those 7 miles than stopping at McDonald's, right? However, I was going to be good (comparatievly) and get a Happy Meal with nuggets. Who needs a bucket of fries? I know the nuggets are not really chicken, but I still love them.

So I pull up to the drive-thru and see something new on the menu...Southern-style chicken sandwich. It looks good, so I ordered the value meal instead of the Happy Meal. Apparently I need that bucket of fries. I asked if mayonnaise comes on it, because I don't like that creamy sauce. The guy said no, only butter on the bread and 2 pickles. I'm thinking, that is weird for a McD's chicken sandwich not to come with a sauce. I manage to get home before tearing into the food. First bite, first smell, and first appearance - all scream original Chick-fil-A sandwich! It is a total rip-off of that yummy goodness that you can only get Mon-Sat! Maybe if I had both sandwiches next to each other, the comparison wouldn't have been that exact, but in my state of complete calorie dehydration, it was a very good stunt-double.

I would sue if I were Chick-Fil-A. But then again, it must feel good for a "little" chain like that to have the #1 most recognizable fast food giant to copy you. After a little research, this sandwich was rolled out in the southern states sometime last year. It is just now reaching my neck of the woods, so sorry if this is old news for you, dear reader. And to relate this to my blog, I will somehow tie this into house-purchasing. I will only buy a house if it is within 2 miles of a McD or Chick-Fil-A. How's that?

1 comment:

nicole said...

Nice tie-in. It is all about location.