Saturday, March 24, 2007

Not yet...

This is not it. I am taking a short break from my spring cleaning. I had the itch to clean, so I figured I had better take advantage of it, since it comes along as often as the time changes. Even though no one else would probably notice, I feel like I have gotten a lot accomplished. Thank you friend for calling me and waking me up this morning, or else I would have got a late start and probably wouldn't have been motivated.

1. I have switched clothes in my closets - winter/fall out and spring/summer in. I LOVE being single and having 2 closets and room for storage. I really don't see how couples share 1 closet. I now have a decent size stack of clothes to donate.

2. I have done/am doing all the laundry that had been sitting a while. Except for the small stack of handwash stuff. I have one sweater that I did not wear all winter because it sat at the bottom of that stack. How sad is that. And I actually love the sweater. Too lazy. But not today!

3. I have conquered the living/dining room. I dusted the fan, all furniture, cleaned the windows & blinds (does anyone have a good way to do this? cuz I don't), vacuumed, and most impressively wiped down all baseboards - even behind the furniture I can move.

Up next: kitchen, and giving the cats a bath. Pray for me! Tomorrow will be bedroom and bathrooms and hopefully guest bedroom. Maybe this insanity will be a 48 hour bug and my house will be thoroughly spotless.

Thought for the day: How on earth will I keep a whole house clean?


Steph B said...

Way to go! I'm impressed with your motivation. Wanna come and do my apartment next?? ;) Spring cleaning does feel good, doesn't it? I love the feeling of starting with a "clean slate" (pun intended).

nicole said...

I have no idea how you will keep a whole house clean. I certainly haven't figured it out yet. ;) Can you send some of that motivation my way via email or something?