Monday, December 4, 2006

Definitely Don't Feel Like A Kid

After a full day of flag football on Saturday, I am still moving a little slow today. My sides hurt when I laugh and breathe deeply. I don't know why I say yes to these things. In the past 6 months, I have played in an indoor soccer league, a sand volleyball league, a tennis league, and this football tournament. Only 1 of these sports I play regularly, and football definitely isn't one of them. But it was still fun. I had a few catches - 1 really long one. I also scored 2 extra points. And my defense was even better. And more importantly, I didn't seriously injure myself, which is a major accomplishment.


nicole said...

Yea for you. Points and no major injuries make a successful day in my book.

Hey! I'm Blogging Here. said...

Yes, glad you didn't break a hip there, old one. ;) I was so jealous of your day of sports. I love to play stuff like this but never seem to get invited or have the opportunity. (not that I'm seeking it out actively or anything)

I fell down the concrete stairs yesterday while I had my hands full and landed on my back and hip before sliding the rest of the way down, so I'm feeling your aches and pains this morning! It's an advil monday.

nicole said...

Hello, ouch. I can't believe you ran this morning after a fall like that. I definitely would have used it as an excuse to not exercise.

Shamsul Chowdhury said...


You sound like a very active person. After reading your blog, I thought you'd be interested in a social network that's dedicated to sports. I work for an organization called and there we try to organize sporting events. Whether you play in a league or are just a casual player that looks for pick-up games, we've got loads of teams to join or just people in your area with similar interests as you.

Feel free to browse through our web site:<-i=1

Also, I invite you to create your account. It's free and easy. I would really like to get your feedback.

justme said...

^^^ What's that?! Blogging spam?!

I'm impressed with anyone like you who has an aptitude for sports. Yay, you! I should do something like that. I wonder if there's such a thing as "couch potato league" . .. you know for those who can't even make "beginner" status.

nicole said...

If you don't like blogger spam you can choose the comment verification option. You guys have to do it on my blog. It is not so bad.