Friday, February 23, 2007

Incredibly Lazy or Genius?

You decide.

For the past several nights I have been sleeping in my guest bed (there is no guest in it ;). It is a very comfortable bed. But that is not the reason. The reason is that I have not changed my sheets in my regular bed. Sure, they are clean enough to sleep on, but I thought there is a perfectly good bed with fresh, clean sheets already on it just a few feet away. The first night was because I got in really late, and didn't feel like changing sheets, and I had just gotten out of the bath and felt clean. So I slept there. It was good. The cats were all excited - something new in their routine. The second and third nights, I thought I already slept in this bed and should wash the sheets any way for the next guest, so I might as well sleep in them a few more days to make it really worth the trouble.

On a sadly similar note, I felt like taking a hot bath after a strenuous night of tennis. And while my shower is clean enough for a shower, I wasn't sure about how I felt about soaking in the bath. You guessed it, I used the guest bath. I know that it hadn't been used since I cleaned it last.

I know in the long run, it will mean more work for me - extra load of sheets and scrubbing two baths, but when it was 10 at night, it felt oh so right.

1 comment:

justme said...

It sounds like a great idea to me! :)