Sunday, December 21, 2008

Day of Reckoning

Wish me luck! Tomorrow I meet b/f 's parents, and siblings, and cousins, and nieces and nephews. All. At. Once. I guess it is only fair as he has met virtually all of the relatives that I seen in any given year, and some that I only see occasionally (at my brother's wedding reception).

After thinking we were going to make the 9 hour drive to El Paso, b/f threw me a curve on Thursday by showing me the airline tickets. Not that it was a bad curve ball. Just not what I had been mentally adjusting to. I had bought several books on tape, and had visions of us having nice, long relationshipy talks. Visions of one less afternoon/evening with his family :) But this will be good. He can finally try out the cool sound blocking head phones I got him for his birthday. Yes, that was in August. Apparently they work so well he can't use them at work, because he needs to hear some sounds like his phone, or his girlfriend talking to him.

And it will be good - less wear and tear on my car (he drives a totally uncomfortable truck), and less of a sore butt. Ask me again after I return from two of the most busiest airport days of the year. I may have wished we drove :)

Anyway, here it is almost 10:00 and I haven't started packing yet. Our flight doesn't leave until 1:15 tomorrow, but I still have a lot to do. But I can make it. I'm on vacation. Sort of. I will ignore the fact that I just got finished working. But at least my work gives me the laptop, so I can bring it and just surf when I need to get away from all this family togetherness. And my wireless data card will be a real life-saver as well.

I feel that if I think it will be a bad trip, then when it is fun, it will totally beat my expectations. I have a sneaky feeling that his family will be so much funner than mine, so I'm probably deep down jealous.

Oh! And b/f got me a GPS ! So now I can try to go back to Luke's Locker without getting lost the next time I need shoes. And he totally loved the gifts I got him. Two I was unsure about, but he loved them! I think if I focus and pay attention and have money, then maybe I can be a good gift-giver after all.

Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Happy Kwanzaa! And God bless us one and all!


nicole said...

I guess you are there now. I hope it is a fabulous week of togetherness with appropriate breaks. Yea for wireless data cards. And I knew you were a good gift giver.

justme said...

How'd it go?