Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

No, I will not be hosting turkey day in my new house. That is what everyone is asking. Despite the title of my blog, I’m still a kid when it comes to holidays. Not responsible for a thing, except to show up. That may change at some point, but for now I’m enjoying it.

As I’m enjoying my house. It is somewhat fallish at my house. There are leaves in my yard. I have my fall decorations out. But it is 83 degrees today. My first attempt at planting flowers (pansies) almost completely failed. I will blame the unusually warm weather.

Did I tell you I got a great new grill? My coworkers got together and bought me a Webber gas grill! It’s very nice. I tried it out on Sunday, and I managed to grill chicken kabobs without sending lethal amounts of propane into the neighborhood or starting a fire. The wooden skewers did burn, despite soaking for 30 minutes. I will invest in metal skewers. It is awesome. I hope I can learn to marinate and to touch a steak to know if its done.

I will post a picture soon. Still no home access to the Internet. I’m considering getting satellite internet, but it’s $50 a month! I’m way too cheap for that. I’m waiting for my techie friend to install his external modem to see if the problem was my modem. Then I will see if I can live with dial-up again. I don’t know what I could give up to make up for the $50 a month. On websites discussing ways to cut back, they always say you should stop going to Starbucks everyday and that money adds up. But not fair! I’m not a coffee drinker! Maybe I will become one, so I can give it up, and I will feel like my budget is not getting hurt J Of course, I would probably get addicted to the coffee. Maybe I can train my cats to go potty outside, saving me cat litter money. Or maybe I will stop giving them their daily latte.


justme said...

Maybe you can make something in your spectacular new kitchen and share with family tomorrow. Have I told you I love the picture of your kitchen? Hey, I love the layout of your kitchen!

Happy Thanksgiving! :)

Hey! I'm Blogging Here. said...

Late to the party, but I'm commenting anyway!

Ways to cut back? Yeah that's a tough one. Do you have any unused memberships you can cancel? Expensive paper products you could substitue with generic? In fact, if you're a name brand at the grocery store person, try a week switching to all generics and see how much it saves you. If you grocery shop every week, MAYBE it will add up to $50?? Just throwing thoughts out there.

Just say No to giving up starbucks. :)