Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Update: I have locked myself out of my house

Upcoming Project: Find a hidey hole for spare key.


justme said...

I was hoping to hear Part II on this. What happened? How did you get back in? Did you ever fine a keen hidey hole?

(and yes, I did just say "keen".) ;)

No Longer At The Kids' Table said...

I love Keen, too (the band).

No great story. I had anticipated doing just what I did...so I gave a copy to my carpool work friend. It happened to be a day we weren't carpooling. So I called her frantically every 3 minutes and she DIDN"T answer. Finally she did. She stopped by (she had already left for work a few minutes before)and I got my keys, and day saved. No, no hidey hole spot yet.