Monday, April 23, 2007

Alphabet Soup

Let's see, what has happened since my last posting?

I met with an agent a few weeks ago - I'm hesitant to call her "my" agent just yet. But I think she will be. We talked for about an hour...just general things of what I want, where I want it, when I want it, and how much I want to pay for it. It was all about me, me, me! Which is hard for someone who can't make up their mind.

She was nice, an older lady 20+ years of experience. She had the initials ABR,SRES by her name. The first means Accredited Buyer's Representative - which sounds like a good thing. The second is Seniors Real Estate Specialist. That's right. I picked an agent that old people go to! I think I really am an old person stuck inside a young person's firm, fit body :)

Since I do not want to/can't really buy until mid-summer, she said that I do not have to sign with her until probably mid to late May, when she will get busy sending me listings. Until then, I am to surf on the net and drive around neighborhoods to get a feel for what I like, and what is out there. She also gave me the names of 2 mortgage people. I have yet to call them.

On Friday, she sent me my first listings. So Saturday I drove around the area for almost 2 hours trying to find the houses. Don't tell Al Gore on me. I actually surprised myself by liking most the house that is in a HOA and that is a zero-lot property. That means that I would have to pay to live there (beyond the mortgage of course), and would have to live with someone else's rules. AND I would have a yard the size of a postage stamp. But what do I need a yard for? And there is a community pool. So now I think I will not exclude HOA and zero-lots from my short list. Which doesn't help when you can't narrow stuff down.

Saturday, April 14, 2007


Woohoo! I've had over 1000 hits on my blog - how exciting. I'm sure at least half of them are my own, but I will not let that fact diminish my accomplishment.

I'd like to thank Blogspot for creating this wonderful place for us to gather. I'd like to thank 4andcounting for inspiring me to start a blog. But most especially, I'd like to thank you, the reading public, for making this all worthwhile with your comments. Without your feedback, I wouldn't know that anyone was evening reading this, and I would have stopped a long time ago. You know who you are - Just Stuff and Embracing the Moment and no no don't play the music, I'm not done yet! Thank you, everyone!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Three Things

Well, it is really more than three. 4andcounting tagged me to do the 3 things meme. And I need another excuse to postpone the inevitable.

Three Things That Scare Me:
1. Fire
2. Speaking in public
3. Not knowing my future

Three People Who Make Me Laugh:
1. Will Ferrell
2. Steve Carroll
3. The guys from Whose Line Is It Anyway - except Drew Carey

Three Things I Love:
1. sports
2. babies
3. napping

Three Things I Hate:
1. vinegar
2. when people yell
3. being late

Three Things I Don’t Understand:
1. men
2. why I do some things I do
3. why my cat keeps pooping on the carpet...has stopped recently...hopefully for good

Three Things On My Desk:
1. Dwight (from The Office) bobblehead
2. Dallas Cowboys cup
3. 3 types of body lotion. Not sure why 3.

Three Things I’m Doing Right Now:
1. thinking about work
2. looking at the mess on my desk
3. thinking about someone

Three Things I Want To Do Before I Die:
1. travel Europe
2. be a better person
3. buy a house!

Three Things I Can Do:

1. run fast, though not as fast as I could
2. make some people laugh
3. play tennis decently

Three Things I Can’t Do:
1. sing in key
2. spell very well
3. rubix cube

Three Things I Think You Should Listen To:
1. the silence, whenever it comes in your life
2. your inner self, even if you don't want to hear
3. Compliments (I agree)

Three Things You Should Never Listen To:
1. loud music
2. other people's conversations
3. the voices in your I on the only one?

Three Things I’d Like To Learn:
1. how to invest my money better
2. how to be a cook who doesn't need a recipe
3. myself better

Three Favorite Foods:
1. pizza
2. bacon
3. chicken fried steak

Three Shows I Watched As A Kid:
1. Today's Special
2. Pinwheel
3. Fraggle Rock

Three Things I Regret:
1. letting a friendship fade
2. not being more social in high school
3. buying clothes that I know are the wrong size just cuz they are on sale and might fit eventually

Three People I'm Tagging (no pressure, just if it seems like fun to do):
1. Just Stuff
2. Running a marathon even though she hasn't updated her blog in forever
3. Embracing the moment

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Sure Sign Of Spring

I have an appointment to meet with a potential agent tomorrow!

Sunday, April 1, 2007

29 going on 92

I hope my first full day of being 29 is not an indication of the rest of my i was in bed by 9:30pm on a Saturday night! I guess I should preface that by saying I didn't go to bed until after 3 am on the previous evening (or same morning), and I didn't get much sleep. And it's also true that I had invitations from people (2 explicit, 1 implicit) to hang out last night that I chose to say no to. That makes it a little better, right?

And I did sleep until after 9am, almost 12 hours of sleep. I heard that old people can't sleep late in the morning. So I guess I am old enough to go to bed early, but not too old where I can't be a lazy bum. Whatever - still lame.

On to more important matters. I will call a real estate agent this week. It will happen.

That's all for now. I need to go take my osteoporosis medicine and investigate hip-replacement surgery.