Monday, November 27, 2006

A rose by any other name...

I chose the title of my blog after my recent Thanksgiving holiday at my parents. It was a very nice trip, especially for an all-family, long weekend in L-view. At the actual dinner festivities, there were no kids, for once in a long time. My mom made the observation that I was the youngest person there, at 28 years old. (I was the youngest by just a few months.) She jokingly said that I had to sit at the kids' table alone.

However, while there was not an actual kids' table, I often feel that there is a symbolic one floating around the room when I am around my family. Perhaps it is because I am the youngest of four children and will always be considered the baby. Perhaps it is because I am still unmarried, with no kids, and thus haven't begun the "next step" of life. Perhaps it is because I love animated movies and Harry Potter. Hmm...interesting...must think about that one more and discuss with my shrink. Note to self: Get a shrink.

But generally, most people say that I am mature for my age, so I don't think that I necessarily act immaturely. So I guess it is just other people's perceptions of me. Or else my perceptions of other people. Or my perceptions of myself. I didn't blogging was going to be this painful. Mommy!

Anywho, so I am planning to buy a house in the next 6 months or so. My goal has been to buy one by the time I turn 30, so this will work out. I'm not buying the house to make people think that I am not a kid anymore, but I think it might be a side-effect. This blog will be my diary of house hunting/house purchasing experiences, as well as random thoughts.

So "No longer at the kids' table" is my new state of mind. If I act this way, then that is how others will perceive me! Or at least, that is what I will believe in my mind.


nicole said...

You're funny! I'm adding you to my blogroll today. I am looking forward to reading more.

justme said...

Yay! Glad to have you join the blogging world. This might become a new addiction for you. (It has for me.) And double YAY for embarking on buying a house! I'm very jealous. I thought I'd be there when I turned 30. Now our goal is to try by 35. We'll see. :)

Hey! I'm Blogging Here. said...

Although I've found that the adults table is often lacking crayons and a color-me placemat. Is the trade-off the alcoholic beverage?

Glad to see you around :)
