Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Prometheus And The Goblet Of Fire

I feel like Tom Hanks. Or more accurately, his character in Cast Away. You know the scene where he starts his campfire for the first time? He runs around half naked shouting and praising his glorious skills.

Well, I too have created fire. In my fireplace. Of course, mine started with a flick of a lighter (but it was complicated...I had to hold down a button while flicking). And my survival does not depend of my ability to start said fire, only my enjoyment of smores. And I wasn't half-naked because it's cold, hence the fire in the first place.

Yes, I braved my fears and actually used my fireplace. It is no longer just a pretty centerpiece for the living room. It has a use, a warm and crackly use. And it is not longer pristine white on the inside. Big black flame marks :(

I must confess that my manly friend came over the other night and lit the inaugural fire. He told me about his "theory" of making a good fire. Apparently its all about stacking the wood to create paths for the flames and smoke to travel. Little sticks at the bottom, progressing to the big log on top. It's still magic to me. Scary, black magic.

Later, I have to go stock up on marsh mellows. And fireplace cleaner. And pokers.


nicole said...

Nice title.

Hey! I'm Blogging Here. said...

Very cool! Props for not burning the house down... the fear that has kept me from lighting anything in ours. Also, I think it's supposed to be for a gas log... but it's "capped off" whatever that means. It makes me nervous to purposely light a fire next to a "capped off" gas line.

I will likely follow the usual method of calling a professional to help me get started. Kudos for figuring it out!

justme said...

don't forget the fire extinguisher. just in case. ;)

No Longer At The Kids' Table said...

Good call...I've been meaning to get an extinguisher for the kitchen, and haven't done it yet. Will do on next shopping trip.