Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I did it. I finally remembered to bring my recycled bags INTO the grocery store. You don’t save the earth by leaving the bags in your house. Or your car.

The nice people at Kroger still act a little surprised that I brought in bags. The lady asked if I only wanted the chicken in there. I was like, no, put everything you can. All the heavy stuff.

I bought $70 worth of groceries, and it all fit in 2 recycled bags and 2 plastic. It probably would have been about 6-8 plastic bags normally. It hasn't become a habit yet, but I'm working on it.


Jeanne said...

Ask me if I remember every time. lol. The people at Wal-Mart really get bothered if you bring in your own bags. I usually have to bag my own there. I don't mind b/c I'm anal about it anyway...I know you're surprised to hear that! : )

Hey! I'm Blogging Here. said...

I forget my bags about half the time. And Jeanne is right - the walmart people downright glare at you for daring to bring your own bags. I always have to bag my own there if I want to use them.

No Longer At The Kids' Table said...

Walmart employees better get over it. I read that they are coming out with a new line of bags themselves. So management better send the news down the line.

Unknown said...

don't forget to ask for your nickel off each recyable bag you bring = )